Thursday, August 1, 2013

Which Hobbit? Reflections on Society and Sustainability

Kelly talks about his involvement with music, painting and drawing, photography, film, animation, video production, writing and website development. These arts have been central to his being, his self-discovery and expression. He also writes about his personal relationship to love, nature, spirituality, science and technology.

Using his own "Hobbit hole" as an example, Kelly writes about sustainable architecture with reference to compact design, passive solar heating, advantages of earth-sheltering, forest conservation, use of local and natural materials, recycling, energy and water conservation, growing and storing food, and building for the long term. There is much specific guidance offered in these pages for those who would like to incorporate sustainable principles into their homes or house plans.

Green Home Building - All you need to know about Green Building - Books, Videos & Webinar Training

Thanks for being interested! I've always loved the idea of building super efficient homes that fit in their environment. These days whether you believe in global warming or not (I do) our country is faced with fighting for more and more of a smaller and smaller piece of the energy pie. Did you know the United States - with about 5% of the world's population - uses about 25% of all the energy! And guess whose energy requirements doubled from 10 to 20% of that pie? Chindia (that's China & India). Think about that ... it's a phenomenal global shift that will affect our lives dramatically.

Our buildings use almost half of all our energy!!! It doesn't take Einstein to figure out it's time to make some changes. The USA is way behind Germany, Japan and even China in our Green Building.

Add Your Eco-friendly Company to

Add Your ECO Company to AND Get GREEN Targeted Exposure, New Sales Leads, and Help to Save the Rainforest!

"Since we joined our company profile was viewed 3507 times! The best part is that we keep benefiting from highly targeted traffic and exposure every month for free! Joining this network was one of the easiest and best decisions we've made." - Jem Winston, Managing Director, Rosalie Forest / 3 Rivers Eco Lodge, Dominica, WI

Many give off toxic fumes which are known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which build up in the body causing fatigue, headaches, and many other illnesses.

while the chemicals in cleaners foam, bleach, and disinfect to make our dishes, bathtubs and countertops gleaming and germ-free, many also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home. In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home…(see

Build Your Own Wind And SolarPower System - Powers 4 Life

From the DIY Workshop of David Witmour Solar, Wind, Energy Enthusiast Friday, October 9.

"With only $200, you can begin creating your own electricity and watch your meter spin backwards. The power companies know this, which is why they don’t want you to know about Powers 4 Life!"

Fuel Saving Ebook -

There is almost NOTHING that has a greater impact on the American lifestyle that the cost of the fuel for our cars. The skyrocketing price of gasoline is making a huge impact on everyone, from the teenager who is just starting out, to the most elderly person who remembers the days when gas cost as little as 25 cents a gallon.

The Washington Times reports that Oil and Gasoline prices have risen to their highest levels in over two years and that analysts say prices could rise dramatically this year as the demand for oil and gas rises in the USA and around the world.

Wood burning Rocket Stove heater plans

Well, here it is. The ZeroFossilFuel Rocket Stove Heater. This page will probably end up becoming a work in progress because I'll be tweaking here and there, maybe even adding a pellet hopper. DIrectly below are links to the current outline I wrote up in PDF and YouTube video playlist. It is my sincerest hope that this helps many to become more energy independent and inspires them to build. Zero's Rocket Stove Guide (right click to save PDF) YouTube video playlist for my Rocket Stove. 6 videos in all. The information above is free, open to the public and all you need to recreate my design. For just $20 you can also get my full 30 page set of measured blueprints, animated 3D Solidworks model, high resolution photo album of the entire project start to finish, a deleted blooper video when things went horribly wrong (funny in hindsight, not so funny then) and my eternal gratitude.